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"At the same time that Diane is giving clear and detailed instructions to the group, she always remains cognizant of each participant and their individual needs."

 -Betsy S.


 “ (Diane has) Terrific organization of thought….passionate and deeply committed.” 

 -Una O.

“The lessons are designed to improve ability, that is, to expand the boundaries of the possible: to turn the impossible into the possible, the difficult into the easy, and the easy into the pleasant.”


Moshe Feldenkrais


Awareness Through Movement®

Feldenkrais® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons. ATM lessons are led verbally and tie directly into functional movements of daily life such as walking, turning, reaching, lifting objects or improving posture in sitting or standing.

Gentle, exploratory movement sequences are  accompanied by guided awareness questions.


Classes last for approximately one hour. The atmosphere is non-judgmental and there is a strong emphasis on comfort and safety at all times. For most people, these lessons create a feeling of lightness, fluidity, ease and elegance in movement. No previous experience is required.



Live Zoom Classes!


10:30am -11:30am



Cost: $20 per class suggested donation.

If you can not afford the full price, donate what you can through Paypal. We appreciate your contributions. PayPal.Me/DianeFarrell61

ATM class audio files are available for download-
$5 per lesson
In-person classes have been suspended due to Covid-19.  Check back or subscribe to my newsletter for up to date information.  
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